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Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Do 18. Nov 2010, 21:05
von Parth
mehr zum crafting:

DH quotes, interview mit Daniel Erickson, part#1 : ... ew-skills/

DH vid (von part1#) + quotes aus dem iV mit Daniel Erickson, part#2 : ... continued/

aus diesem iv zwei quotes:
How do you the player craft in Star Wars: The Old Republic? Are there recipes you loot or you learn from other people in the galaxy?

Daniel Erickson: The beginning stuff you do when you learn a crafting skill... you get a number of recipes. There are also recipes that you can discover out in the world. There are recipes that are very rare. One of the important overall goals that we haven't talked about Crew Skills is that there will be "go to" people. You will be able to craft items that are the top tier of things in the game. It is going to be very possible that there are only one or two people on the server who know how to craft specific things. There is a whole lot of discovery involved.

The Crew Skills system is a place for everyone -- whoever wants to play can come play. The missions system is super accessible, and even if you aren't into crafting, you can play with those. People who want to be a master at crafting -- and really want to be those who are the go to people on the servers -- they are going to put a ton of work into it. We're not going to talk quite yet about how you get some of these recipes but suffice to say, they will be in demand as crafters and it will not be something you can casually do.
Is there still some personalization you can do to the items you create?

The items you create are by their very nature personalized, so we definitely maker's mark everything. As crafters go further and further into their art, they will start to learn things that other crafters do not know. Eventually, the hope is that you develop sort of a specialization and a concept of the things that you craft. And that is probably going to adjust very much by which skill pairings you decided to grab. To give sort of a hint, there are mission skills that may help out crafters more because you have more of a chance going and getting specific things or specific recipes -- they are going to help the whole piece. At the top level, for the people who are really, really pushing the Crew Skills... everyone is going to get fairly unique with it.

und: DH iv mit neuem comm.manager, Stephen Reid:

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Fr 19. Nov 2010, 13:28
von Nerabo
hab auch mal was neues gefunden zum thema tod:

Von Damion Schubert
We intentionally keep it vague. You don't 'die'. You 'are defeated'. Other group members can revive you, but only out of combat. If no one is around, you wake up at a med center near town. Some classes can revive you in combat.

Explicitly calling it death is hard to reconcile with the fiction. On the flip side, saying that all the bad guys just knock you unconscious makes them seem seem a lot more trivial. And doing a classic 'you go unconscious unless someone lands a deathblow' in other PVP games brings back the whole 'rezzing isn't realistic' issue, and just moves it after the deathblow. Ultimately, we did what worked best with the flow of the game we wanted to make.

That being said, no matter what we name it, people will probably say 'I died' if you ask them what happened to them.
Quelle: ... dit4718579

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Fr 19. Nov 2010, 17:52
von Parth
sitze grad im auto am ddorf hbf und warte auf meine kleine..drücke also aus langeweile immer mal wieder F5 (notebook mit umts)

und siehe da: hab beim heutigen FF sowohl die comments, also auch beide forenposts mal als -1st- gerockt :D

Heute ein FanFriday:
Flesh Raiders:

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Mo 22. Nov 2010, 13:52
von tino-T-
aus einem gamestar artikel..
- PVP wird es wohl nach aktuellem Stand nur in den Warzones geben. Freies PVP in der gesamten Spielwelt ist jedenfalls bisher nicht absehbar.

hmm das stimmt mich aber absolut net glücklich

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Mo 22. Nov 2010, 14:22
von Parth
tino-T- hat geschrieben:aus einem gamestar artikel..
- PVP wird es wohl nach aktuellem Stand nur in den Warzones geben. Freies PVP in der gesamten Spielwelt ist jedenfalls bisher nicht absehbar.

hmm das stimmt mich aber absolut net glücklich
Poste doch bitte mal den Link zum Artikel. Die Quelle, auf welche sich GS bezieht, würde mich mal interessieren.
Das steht nämlich im Wiederspruch zu dem was die Offiziellen sagen.

-> Warzones sind ein (!) Bestandteil vom PvP. Habe ich hier auch irgendwo anders erst kürzlich (vielleicht vor zwei drei Wochen) gepostet

Also: gibt tausende Posts im off-Board zum open-pvp. Die Crowd will es.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Di 23. Nov 2010, 07:07
von tino-T-
werds heut abend daheim suchen ..
net nur die crowd will es ... wichtiger ist ICH will es

Foren Zusammenfassung Swtor ^^

Verfasst: Di 23. Nov 2010, 14:11
von Wot`an
Weiss nicht genau ob der Theat schon bekannst ist aber für die die die es nicht kennen eine sehr nette zusammenfassung ^^

in dem Theat werden nur bestätige infos genannt Mfg Wot`an ... hp?t=66187

Re: Foren Zusammenfassung Swtor ^^

Verfasst: Di 23. Nov 2010, 14:58
von Parth
Wot`an hat geschrieben:Weiss nicht genau ob der Theat schon bekannst ist aber für die die die es nicht kennen eine sehr nette zusammenfassung ^^

in dem Theat werden nur bestätige infos genannt Mfg Wot`an ... hp?t=66187
Hallo Wotan,

danke für Deinen Beitrag. Ich habe Dein Thema mit diesem hier zusammengeführt. Auf Seite 1 dieses Threads habe ich alle, aus meiner Sicht, relevanten Infothreads im off-board verlinkt.
Der von Dir gepostete basiert auf dem englischen Original. Ich adde Deine aber gerne für alle, die nicht so gerne englische Texte lesen.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Mi 24. Nov 2010, 01:19
von Otak
Habe hier auch noch paar Interviews gefunden:

New Daniel Erickson Interview by Machinima Realm | Crew Skills (and more)


Gabe Amatangelo Interview by Machinima Realm | PvP

Mfg Otak

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Do 25. Nov 2010, 18:33
von Parth
Die nächse Beta Phase beginnt in Kürze:

Wieder nur für Amis, aber schaut zur Sicherheit mal Eure Junk-fächer durch.
Originally Posted by StephenReid
Some of you may have received an email from Magid, regarding a survey concerning Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As there has been some confusion, we wanted to let everyone know that it is indeed valid.

We are partnered with a third-party agency, Magid, to conduct some focused playtests for TOR. These are part of our ongoing Game Testing Program. As part of that testing, a number of emails were sent to registered community members like you who’d opted in for game testing.

What to do now? If you were sent an email and haven’t clicked through to the survey yet, well, go ahead and click. If you haven’t been emailed, don’t bother asking someone else to share; the surveys are individually linked to email addresses. If you are selected for testing, we’ll let you know – with an official email, this time!

Of course, I have to remind everyone that everything to do with Game Testing is bound by the Game Testing Agreement - and that means if you’re selected, apart from telling people that you’ve been selected, everything else is confidential.

Happy Thanksgiving to all Stateside!