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Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 10:24
von Parth

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: Sa 12. Mär 2011, 17:01
von Parth
Samstag Update, 15min TaralV Dev Walkthrough: ... alkthrough

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 07:03
von ralryshoron
sabber sabber ...

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 10:13
von Parth
meet and great liveblog:
No companions in end game raids and flashpoints (Update: "said they pulled companions from endgame raids and flashpoints. He was very specific. Not Warzones. He only mentioned PvE content.")

No clown armor. You equip different color armor. There is an optional "colormatch" that will even out color.

Added world boss to Nar Shaddaa
World boss will take "more than a full group to take down."

Companion romance arcs are very diverse with "dozens of arcs"

Some are classic romances while others are bad relationship with one even cheating on you "after romancing her you will come back to your ship and see a guy leaving it."

Smugglers have the most romance arcs

IAs have the most sexual options (related IA to James Bond)

No non-contextual holidays. (no Christmas, no Thanksgiving, etc.) Only Star Wars holidays.

Phasing question. There is no full zone phasing. Only room phasing to keep groups together.

You return to origin world after you get high level. It inspires low levels to see high levels.

Ranged classes have snares and melee abilities to even the playing field with melee.

Will a threat meter be integrated? Not currently but we plan to add more functions before and after launch.
All origin worlds are off limits to opposing faction.

We are not adding a sidekick system because it ruins story but we may consider a mentor system to let friends play together some time in the future.

Will you support third party add ons? "We can't talk about that right now."

Open world PvP will be talked about soonish.

Flashpoints are spaced out evenly from leaving origin to max level.

Why make a tunnel shooter over space sim? That would be an astoundingly vast undertaking for a team already making one of the biggest games ever.

Will morality alter skills? It will have an impact but it will not cripple a Sith Inquisitor if you go light side or hurt a Trooper who goes Dark.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 10:15
von Parth
25min TaralV Flashpoint video, im mix gespielt von den betreibern von darthhater, torocast, ask a jedi und mos eisley radio: ... aythrough/

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 20:20
von Corso
Also von den ganzen Taral V Videos ausgehend muss ich sagen, dass die Raid Instanzen weniger WoW ähneln sondern mehr DCU Online. Dort dauern die in der Regel auch nur maximal etwas über 30 Minuten je nach Gruppe. Ich hoffe mal das ist bei allen Raids so.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 20:33
von Parth
wie im wt-video angesprochen, wird taravl5 zirka 90Minuten bei ner gut eingespielten Gruppe dauern.

die vids hier sind nur auszüge.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 20:43
von Corso
Damit könnte ich auch noch leben.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 21:33
von Nerabo
Ich finde die Videos machen lust auf mehr. Mir gefällt das alles sehr gut. Es ist einfach irgendwie so offen. Nicht eingesperrt in irgendwelche Dungeons, Festungen oder sowas. Teil einer Story zu sein finde ich genial. Und dann noch mit Guildmates und Freunden.

Re: Info-Thead zum Game

Verfasst: So 13. Mär 2011, 21:38
von Parth
Sunday Developer Q&A with BioWare Live Blog
With guild pre-launch, can you change servers after launch?
David Bass: Check the guild FAQ. You'll have warning.
DE: No answer from David!

Can you declare war on other guilds?
JO: Maybe after release.

Missed question
JO: Accessibility important. Beginning tutorial in depth. Social games provide opportunity to collaborate.
DE: Story is universal, everyone can get that. TOR is easier to pick up than Dragon Age.

Player housing/guild halls?
JO: Guild capital ship highly requested. Maybe at release, if not soon after.
DE: Ships replace housing for us. No one hangs at Leia's house. Probably won't make it into release.

Character customization?
DE: I've never run into my twin in game. There are close-ups in conversations. NPC's have their own models so you won't twin an NPC.

Can healers be badass?
JO: Yes. Even Sith Warrior as tank has visceral action. When you are in group as healer you have blaster. Star wars tropes trump MMO's tropes.

Release date?
Bass: Game testing ongoing, release in 2011.
JO: 1k player cohorts have tested.

System specs?
JO: Can't talk about it yet. We need to appeal to lower end machines which is why it is stylized realism.
Will DX10 or Win7 be required?
DE: No! You don't need to go shopping.

Missed question
JO: Death penalty less harsh than other MMO's. Combat more challenging so you might die more than other games. Want to avoid rage quits.
DE: Don't want you to sleepwalk through the game. James didn't want people eating bread and sitting around while playing.

Reid: Why doesn't Oteg talk like Yoda?
DE: Because he isn't 900 years old. Lucas approves everything.

Reid: Explain day/night cycle more?
JO: Position of sun is fixed. We wanted a whole bunch of distinct looking worlds. Would require too many programmers.
DE: Having day/night would make things look significantly worse.

Reid: Will instances have day/night?
DE: Instances and phasing have variety, you'll go places that are at different times.

How large is each world?
JO: Alderaan is 7-8 wow zones. Origins smaller.
DE: As game goes on worlds get bigger. Alderaan has houses and castles that take up space.

Will you need to raid for badass gear?
DE: Top gear has 3 options - multiplayer end game, pvp, or crafting. But you're not in bantha hide early, you look badass throughout.
Reid: We're working on armor progression vids for other classes.

Balancing class combat?
JO: In other games, you have mostly swords or magic. In our game we needed an eye on making it look good when a melee class engages with blaster class. Jango goes toe to toe with jedi. Troopers in tor don't die to ewoks. Troopers can call air strikes, rocket launchers, grenades. SWTOR has unique classes.
DE: Kotor has vibroblades, not our game. Not badass enough. (Clarification: He was referring to players using them in SWTOR)

Are there features for competitive/hardcore players?
JO: Leveling content is valuable. We value the hardcore, but we also value our 1-X content.
DE: We don't let the super hardcore dictate content that they won't value.

Missed question
JO: We have a lot of different player types. We have activities for everyone. If you're not into raids, there's other stuff. There will be something endgame for people who love BioWare story.
DE: We will have amazing PVP stuff soon that could change the game world. World bosses are tough.

Is crafting like WoW where you need to collaborate with others for mats?
DE: The best stuff will require social collaboration for mats.

Closing comments -
JO: Spread the message that our game has all of the MMO systems, giant worlds. We're building a game that everyone will love that has BioWare story in it.
DE: If you liked/disliked the game, say so. For people who rant, ask "have you played it?" Post on the forums, give us feedback.